Sunday, December 14, 2014

Opinion from NewYorkTimes about Green Table

Here is a link about the Green Table dance choreographed by Kurt Jooss, after read this review I highly agree with three points with this critical review and I will claim my point in the following context. Here is the link.<---------Click me!

At first, the New York Time said" "The Green Table", Kurt Jooss' 1932 anti-war masterpiece, is one of few dances to have assumed a political identity, albeit shifting, outside of the theater. " I agree with this point because this ballet had some connections with Second war of world. In 1933, Kurt Jooss was forced to flee Nazi Germany  because he refused to purge his company, and also from the scene of dance, it seems to say the only victory of war is death and  the only survivors are corruptions since its ending is same as its beginning with a man stand in on the middle of table.

At the second, the review said "The Green Table" was influenced by medieval dances of death, and it unfolds as a series of tableaus in which Death takes the life of his quarry. " The movement is as stylized as the form. The scenes evolve into a series of vivid tableaux, the carefully composed images at times seeming to be frozen for an eternity. The stage is bare and the music is played on a piano only. 

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